Emotional Resilience To Stay In Balance
How do you show up?
Success in any area of your life is 25% of what you are doing, and 75% of who you are being.
Discover valuable tools to help your corporate team! One-hour lunch & learns, a half day or full day workshop on topics including: mindfulness, conscious communication, overcoming overwhelm and work-life balance.
Empower youth to find their inner confidence, build their communication skills, hold onto their creativity, and to let go of societal pressures through this 8 week program. Schools workshops available by request.
Learn how to regain clarity to live a life with more balance and ease through stressful, chaotic times by using positive mindset tools and proper nutrition. Discover how to align with your life purpose and take empowered action.
What My Awesome Clients Are Saying...

Nikki Draper
Leadership & Personal Development Coach
With a holistic approach, Nikki specializes in stress management and personal development to live a life with more energy and enjoyment. She is passionate about sharing how to shift your mindset from confusion to clarity in seconds with practical tools and processes to navigate the challenges in both personal and personal life. With a degree in Communication from SDSU, a former hairstylist for 20 plus years, and a successful small business owner for multiple years, she became an expert in customer relations and human behavior. Adding to her education with health and life coaching certifications, she provides customized workshops for mind and body health as well as a Stanford University based-program to gain clarity to thrive. Join her in learning and practicing the key principles that will transform your life, as they did hers, into a happier and healthier you, the "Dulce Vida" way. Nikki currently resides in beautiful Temecula, Ca where she offers in person workshops.

Small steps lead to big changes, big changes are a series of small steps.
Contact Us For:
-General Information
Nikki Draper
(858) 354-2807